Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Bit of Winter and A Bit of the Sea

     This is the time of year I struggle with how to decorate my house. In all honesty, I like the stripped down look after the holidays. I don't really decorate for Valentine's Day and while I'd love to bring out the spring things...it is a little early for that. I really don't enjoy anything that looks "Christmasy" after Christmas, other than leaving a wreath on the front door. I find myself a bit "design challenged" right now.

     I like having a silver tray on the coffee table and simply changing what I put on it. It makes it very easy to remove things to make room for little cars and small hands when the the little guys come to visit. Our coffee table seems to be the perfect height for a train track or to run cars in a circle. For now, my small church cloche is sitting on a silver candy dish for height. One of my new Z Gallerie aqua mercury glass votives adds a punch of color.

     This small plaque with an iron stand that looks like branches was one of my Christmas gifts from my darling daughter. I think she senses that her mother has been a bit stressed out lately!

     I love these tiny glass trees so much that I thought they could sit out for a while. After all, they look just like what I see looking out my window today!

     My stack of winter magazines are just waiting for me to have some free time to really study them. I am a magazine addict, but I'm trying to "cut back" this year and just get my favorites. The problem is...too many favorites! 

     Overall, a simple, winter look. A round table can be a challenge, but truthfully I don't worry about it too much. I put out a few things that I like and that is what really matters, don't you agree?

     I also wanted to share another Christmas gift. As most of you know, we have quite a few "beachy" items in our home. My dad bought us this beautiful sculpture for Christmas. It is quite heavy and we love it! For now, I have it sitting on the small metal and glass shelf sitting just inside the front door. I keep shells and driftwood on it all year long and I love how the colors in the sculpture blend so well with the metal of the shelf.

I am joining Marty @ A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday.
If you want inspiration, go visit her wonderful blog.


Kim @ Touch of Nostalgia said...

I'm thinking I need to take the advice of your little plaque. We finally got our decorations put away this past weekend. I was so ready for them to be put away. Now just to do a good clean of the place and I can just relax and remember to 'breath' on the weekends. :)

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Sue Sweetie...
Oh what a beautiful share today. I love your sculpture that your Dad bought you, it is exquisite and fits the stand by your door so beautifully. I would say Dad has GREAT taste. Isn't he sweet?

I love the little plaque your daughter bought you for Christmas. I think we all need that reminder, every day. We all lead such stressful lives that sometimes, I think we truly do forget to BREATHE. I love it sweet one.

I enjoyed seeing your magazine stash. Mine are coming in too. I knew we had a lot in common. We take the same magazines as well. How fun is that?

I am still enjoying my wreath sweet friend. I am not ready to take it down. It makes me smile and makes my heart "HAPPY". I will always think of you and smile, as I so remember the day my box of love arrived. You took my breath away.

Many hugs to you sweet friend and SO much love, Sherry

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Both areas are so lovely. I love the coffee table vignette, it is so pretty and of course the cloche caught my eye and had me drooling. The eterge is displayed with such beautiful things and all of your vignettes are so pretty. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

J Rodney said...

I absolutely love the dolphin! I'm thinking spring around here, although the temperatures are still fluctuating, it feels like the spring up north.

Patrice said...

I could use a dolphin like that!

Lynn said...

Everything looks great Sue! I think we all could use the "just breathe" message every once in a while:@)

Pondside said...

I like the plain and polished look for a while after Christmas, before I start with Valentines, St Patrick's and Easter. Just for a while I like to look at the mellow wood surfaces and the clean mantel (not empty, but pared down).
I love the little 'breathe' sign!

Donnie said...

I love that little plaque, a sweet reminder to enjoy the beauty you have created there.

Blondie's Journal said...

I love how you have everything displayed on your coffee table. I am hesitant about what books and magazines I put out since everyone tends to confuse them with coasters...

I love your new dolphin, what a sweet gift. It looks perfect with all of your 'sea~things'. You have a great collection!

How do you like all this snow? It has tapered off up here.


Glenda/MidSouth said...

I do like your Winter decor.. I don't do much decorating between Christmas and Easter/Spring.
I also like the "clean" look after the Christmas decorations are put away
Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

I love the cloches. I am a sucker for things under a cloche. Just Breathe, how simple and profound at the same time. During this long winter season that quote holds so much weight. At least we are in the middle of Jan. already.

Jenny said...

I like your style, Miss Sue!

Monica H said...

I have a little plaque like that too (got it from Hallmark). But mine says "Trust God. You are ecaxtly where you are meant to be."