Sunday, August 22, 2010

1 Year Anniversary! Met Monday and a GIVEAWAY!

Note: The Giveaway Has Ended

     I reached 2 milestones last week, 200 posts and the 1 year anniversary of I Need Mom! I came to blogging a year ago, after the disappointing changes that had taken place on a writer's website that I had participated in for over 3 years. I wasn't sure my writing could adapt to "blog style" or that I would ever feel that sense of community that I had felt on the other website. Well, I quickly learned that blogs come in all sorts of writing styles and I decided to "write the way I talk" and hope that people would want to read some of it.

     I also learned that bloggers are certainly a community of friends. I already had that figured out when my mom got sick the end of February and all of you stuck with me during times when I was absent for days, had nothing good to say and went through the most difficult thing that had ever happened to me, the loss of my mom. I love blogging. I love reading your blogs and mostly I love getting to know each and every one of you along the way.

So, let's party! It is time for me to thank you with a giveaway! I've collected a few things, some old...some new! My hope was that anyone would find something they liked in this "goodie box" of treasures. Rather than describe everything in the box...I think I'll just show you a few pictures to keep you guessing.

     I'm going to keep this very simple. It is open to everyone. If by chance my winner is from out of the country, I may have to change out a couple items that are heavy, but you will still win.

There are 2 ways to enter:

1) Be a follower of this blog and let me know you are in a comment

2) Post about my giveaway on your blog or on your sidebar and come tell me in a comment

The giveaway runs until Sept. 5th.

Now for those pictures...

This could be headed to your house! for the Met Monday project. I have made no secret of the fact that if you give me an empty room and a bunch of stuff, I can make it look good. Give me a handful of weeds and I will make you a beautiful bouquet and I guarantee that I can make your Christmas tree look like a department store I sound cocky? Nope, I just know what I can do. What I can't anything that requires paint, scissors, markers, glue etc. I find some way to mess things up every time. My brain is creative and I know what I'm supposed to do...but, I end up gluing my fingers together, cutting where I shouldn't and getting paint everywhere but where it needs to be. I am craft impaired. I know it.

     I've been watching all the Subway Art showing up in Blogland and I wanted some. I tried to win it from Jen at tatertots and jello, she is the Subway Art Queen. But I didn't win, so with her encouragement I gave it a try on my own.

I started with this canvas. I found it in my in-laws!

I spray painted it black...even I can use spray paint.

     A few stencils and some scary freehand painting along with some inexpensive acrylic paint and I ended up with this. It will go on my front porch when I put out the fall things. I actually don't hate it. In fact, I like it. It isn't as good as some (well, most) but when I say if I can do this anyone can believe it!

Okay...don't forget to follow my blog for one entry and post about it for a second.

I'm linking today to:
 Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch for Met Monday
Mary @ Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
Sally @ Smiling Sally for Blue Monday
Linda @ Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
Jen @ Craft-o-Maniac for Craft-o-Maniac Monday
AtticMag for Giveaway Friday


Roberta said...

Congratulations on your blog-anniversary ;) 200 posts in one year is wonderful. Best to you and the next year and may you have many more posts, fondly, Roberta

Natasha in Oz said...

Wow, Sue, Happy Blogiversary! What a wonderful selection of goodies you are giving away to celebrate! And how sweet are you to let your OS friends join in-thank you! I will add a little button to my sidebar right now! You have reminded me to get organised for my 1st blogiversary too!

Great tram roll-I would never even contemplate making something like that-you are very clever!

Best wishes always,

ChRiS said...

what a grand giveaway of mix of everything!! tis good i am a follower...ty for a chance btw i love the subway art!!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh Happy Anniversary. Now I think your Subway art is just fantastic. I am with you. I am not the crafty type. I can sew and I can spray paint and I can rearrange things fairly well, but give me a box of craft stuff and I go blank and can't see any potential and even if I do, it doesn't come to life. Your giveaway is fabulous. I am follower of course. Hugs, Marty

Laura said...

I am so glad you stopped by my blog and became a follower.
We are just alike. I know what I can do and it does NOT involve paint, glue, or scissors.

I have signed on as a follower.

White Spray Paint

I would love to enter your giveaway.

Lynn said...

I'm following! And the shot of that mystery ornament is exciting!!!

Lynn said...

I'm adding your give-away to my side bar:@)

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Sue
Happy Happy Blog Birthday!!!! you are a winner in my eyes!!

It's been wonderful getting to know you over this last year.. and I know how difficult these past few months have been for you.. and am grateful that you were able to share this with us... That is what good friends do.. share the ups and downs...

Now of course I am a follower and will happily put your giveaway in my sidebar.. Take care.. and congrat again on both the blog birthday.. AND... 200 posts!! woo hoo.. xxx Julie

Kathleen said...

Congrats to you! I know it has been a rough year for you!
Cute sign too!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Happy anniversary and happy 200th post! What a milestone. I follow you and would love to be in your drawing.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Sue, congrats on the blogger milestones and love the subway art you did. I think it looks great. You know I am a loyal follower and I thank you for being one of mine.

Unknown said...

HELLO MRS. SUE~ I am glad you love blogging and get lots of support. ITS THE BEST. i love love love your giveaway PLEASE OH' PLEASE ENTER ME!

Unknown said...

you know I FOLLOW YOU HAPPILY! love that sign with the keys so cute!

Unknown said...

SUE~ Please get your but over to my craft blog and enter that stinken stinken stinken cute halloween subway art! for CraftOManiac Monday~ Love what you did.

bj said...

I am just flat about to DIE for a big ole piece of subway art. I have the perfect wall to put a BIG one on...something with London, Paris, that tower, London Bridge...that kinda stuff. And I am so talentless I don't know what to do....:(((

YOU, on the other hand, did a GREAT job here. I love it...bwaaaa, I want one, too....

And, I really...REALLY want to win this awesome and generous giveaway. Thanks so much for the chance to win it.
I have been a follower for-evahhh ....:)

bj said...

I am taking your giveaway button home to live on my sidebar until the 5th of Sept. :))

J Rodney said...

Happy Blogoversary Sue!!! Isn't it amazing how fast this past year went, and how much has happened since we started blogging.

Also congratulations on your follower milestone!

I am of course a follower!

Lucky's Luna said...

I am a blog follower! Congrats!


Bobbi Ann said...

Hi, Happy Blogversary to you! I'm a new follower of yours and very happy that I am. Wonderful photos, great mosaics!
Awesome Giveaway! If you would please be so kind to enter my name in your drawing I would be very appreciative. Thanks so much for this chance! It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope to get to know you better. Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful new week!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Thanks for coming to my PARTY...congrats on your anniversary and #200...please count me in on this awesome giveaway!!!


Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Yes...I'm a happy follower!


xinex said...

Congratulations, Sue! I am glad you started blogging cause I really enjoy visiting and reading your blog. What a generous give away. Did you see my pomegranates on my tree today? You are really very creative! I believe I am already a follower but I will double check...Christine

xinex said...

Yep, I was right, I am a follower...Christine

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Congrats on your 1 year my Dear friend...I just love blogging and all the great people I have met here...Girl you did an awesome job on that board love it Sue...I hope all is well in your world my Dear friend...I will put up button on my side bar...but will tell you I never win a thing ha ha!! Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Ok Sue I have you on my side bar now...Love Gl♥ria

Monica H said...

Well happy 1 year/200th post! I just love the blogging world, don't you?

I'm not sure what subway art is, but I like it.

BTW, if someone from over seas wins, then you can ship all of this in a USPS flat rate box for the same price as you'd send it to your neighbor. Stop by your post office and get a flat rate box- what ever fits in it ships for $9-12 depending ont he size box you need.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Mu heartiest congratulations all round!!! Lovely mosaic! Wishing you well! Cathy

Shellbelle said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!! Happy 200th post!!!!! Whew, what a year it's been. I am so happy that we found each other's blogs. Like you, I am so grateful for the support and friendships I've found in our online community. We've laughed and cried together, shared so much, learned so much and have been blessed with so much. Who would've thought so many years ago in school when they talked about the coming of the computer age, that they would bring so much to our lives?

Anyway, I love your Subway Art, I never knew that's what it was called, so see, I learned something new today. Great use of that old canvas, I love the whole recycling aspect and can't wait to see the photos of your porch.

You know I'm a follower!

Shellbelle said...

I posted your giveaway in my sidebar. What a fabulous array of goodies you've collected.

btw, just so no one gets it wrong, the flat rates for domestic and international shipping are not the same. Wish they were, I'd love to see more giveaways that included our international friends. You're a doll for doing this!


Erin said...


Mosaic Magpie said...

I am a follower and love reading your blog. Here's to 200 more!

SmilingSally said...

I see some blues.

Happy Blue Monday, Sue!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting my blog and to join in on your celebration too! Looking forward to hitting my 200th

Anonymous said...

P>S> I've posted on my blog celebrating your 200th post!!

Kathysue said...

Sue what a great sign for Halloween, very clever and original!!I just had to come by and say thankyou so much for your ever-faithful reading and commenting on my blog. You are always there with a fun word and it is so encouraging to know that someone is enjoying one's blog. Thank you soooooo much!! Have a wonderful Monday,Kathysue

Mary Ann said...

Happy Blogversary. I am a follower.

Blue Ridge Altered Art said...

Congrats on your 200th post. I love your Halloween sign. Don't you just love spray paint. ~~Sherry~~

nannykim said...

Cool! Congrats on your one year celebration and 200 posts! I am a follower so put me down.

I like how your fall sign came out--I bet you really feel proud! ha!!

Fall DOES feel like it is in the air. The kids here are back at school, the morning temps are a bit cooler, the mornings are a bit darker....yup its a comin!

Rebecca said...

Love the halloween sign!!!

Nancy's Notes said...

Congratulations! Your blog is great and I have been a follower, enjoy your posts so very much!


dee dee said...

Congrats my dear Friend!
I count you a blessing both in blogworld and in my life! You beginning words really touch me, they ring so true! What a fun give-a-way, course I'm a follower! Is it fair to win one of your give-a-ways twice?
I've yet to see other examples of this Subway art, what hole has my head been in? I think yours turned out great, can't wait to see how you incorporate it on your front porch!
Once again... Congrats!
Dee Dee

Sophie said...

I havent totally left that other site, but I have not found a place in the blogging community entirely either. I guess I need to be more diligent about keeping up with posts on here-- for some reason it is not as easy as it was on that other site.

Anywho, I saw tea in a pic, so I am totally in this! I follow you of course :)

Nellie's Cozy Place said...



Red Couch Recipes said...

Happy Blogversary and your Halloween Subway art is to great that I want to make one just like it! Joni

Jenny said...

Congratulations!!! I am glad you started this blog because I love seeing your posts!!!

Those are some huge milestones and I look forward to another year of your blog :-)

Debbie said...

happy anniversary!!! I am a follower already!!

God bless, deb

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

I'm following....and in those oh so famous words .. "Ah'll be bahck !!!"


Maria said...

Happy Anniversary Sue!
It's been wonderful following your blog, your writing, your devotion to family and family life ... Thank you for your gift of hospitality... we all feel so welcome here ~
...and thanks heaps for the giveaway!

Maria said...

I just added your Giveaway collage to my sidebar!

Barb said...

Hi Sue, congratulations on your blog anniversary. Great giveaway....I am a follower.


Jen @ said...

Cngratulations Sue!!!! I am so glad to have gotten to know you through the blogs!

And your Halloween Subway Art turned out so great! Very adorable!!!


Blondie's Journal said...

Your sign is TOO cute. And just'll have it for all the Halloween's to come!

What a generous giveaway you are having. All the goodies look great. I'm having one too, so stop by!

I'm a follower!


Cindy said...

WowI love your subway art! I would love to be able to win your lovely giveaway.

Hugs XX
Moore Whimsies

Relyn Lawson said...

What a lovely giveaway. Super BIG congratulations on your blogiversary!!!

Rettabug said...

Sue, I think your subway sign looks awesome! I was not aware of this new genre. I'm behind the times, I see.

I would love to win your delightful collection of give-away items in celebration of your 1 yr. anniversary & 200th post!!
I have been a follower for a loooooong time. ;-)

Thanks for the chance to participate.
I've got your button up on my sidebar with a date reminder, too.

Sue said...

Hi Sue, I have become a follower and i will put your giveaway button on my blog.

Sue said...

Sue , please forgive for not taking the time to congratulate you on your one year anniversary, So Happy one year blogerversary, and on your 200th post. I hope you have many more.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

OH, I want to win Sue! Everything looks so fabulous! Congrats on your one year anniversary, it's been great getting to know you!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

And I am a follower of course, and that subway board you made is really cool, great job, and nifty idea!

Red Couch Recipes said...

I am a follower. Joni

Red Couch Recipes said...

Sue, I posted your giveaway on my sideboard. Joni

Drawn to The Sea said...

Miss Sue, that's a very creative use of an old canvas. Methinks you sell yourself short! Such a nice giveaway... pretty mugs caught my eye right away :-))

Mary Ann said...

I am a follower and would love to win your giveaway.

JUST ME said...

I know I don't own a home yet, but I LOVE things. Especially things that come in packages in the mail. I'm a follower too. :)

PS: I'm glad you've been my Blogging Mom for so long. Your kind Mom words are always appreciated. Always. LOVE!

The Charm of Home said...

Sue, I love your Subway art! I think you did a great job. Happy Blogaversary!! I am a follower. This is a great giveaway.

The Charm of Home said...

I put your giveaway in my sidebar.

La said...

I'm a follower!

Your Halloween subway art is great. I may have to "borrow" your idea.

Have a great day! La

ms. e said...

Loved the subway art....what a great idea. Happy 1 year anniversary. What a great giveaway!

meeyeehere said...

I am a new follower and I would love to win your treasures!!! Thanks so much!HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Gypsy Heart said...

Congratulations! I would so LOVE to win this. Is the subway art included? :-) It is adorable, Sue. You did a fab job with it! Now I will have to try it.

Thanks for the opportunity to win ~

Gypsy Heart said...

Oh, and of course, I'm a follower! :-)

Atticmag said...

Sue, your giveaways look super and we're so happy to having you with us at our first Giveaway Friday! link up. We so appreciate your pioneering spirit and support and displaying our badge! Jane F.

Unknown said...

Oh My Goodness what a fun giveaway! Happy Blogiversary! I'm a follower now!

Unknown said...

I've also placed your whole blog on my bloglist! Stop for a visit sometime!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

My dear friend! Congratulations on your 1st year anniversary and your 200th post. I am so glad you are here in the blog world. It has been such a pleasure and blessing to me to know you. I love your project!!! Very well done!
What a generous giveaway! I am a faithful and happy follower and I would be happy to post your giveaway on my sidebar!
Happy Blogiverary to you!

malinda said...

New follower really cool blog.. Look forward to more of your adventures. Congrats.

malmort01 at optonline net

Angie said...

Congrats on your one-year anniversary, Sue! So exciting and a great accomplishment. I'm loving that fall decor, too!

xlacrimax said...

I'm following your blog ;)

Anonymous said...

That sign is so cute! congrats on your one-year anniversary.

D. Jean Quarles said...

Oh, please enter me. Lovely blog.

Sandi (Meme) said...

I'm a new follower, so happy anniversary! You've been quite busy - 200 in a year! Good for you! Have an awesome week! Sandi

Loui♥ said...

Happy anniversary!
am a follower!
Please enter me in the giveaway!!
warm sandy hugs,,

MJ said...

Happy anniversary to you! What an awesome giveaway. Please count me in a follower!

Jules said...

Awesome job on the Subway Art... I NEED to do one of those ASAP. I'm signing on to follow ... congrats on 1 year. I'm impressed with what you've accomplished!!! julia

Jacqueline said...

I loved your message about your mom. Mine passed away when I was in my early 30s and someone said to me, "You always need your mother." It was so true.

I would love to enter your giveaway. I am already a follower.

Alison said...

Congrats on your anniversary and 200 posts! I just celebrated a year as well and am nearing 200...should be there by the end of the month, I think!

I love love love your subway art! I haven't seen this a lot, aside from my blog, I don't get around the internet too much! Baby needs to take longer naps! LOL!

I'm thinking something like your Halloween Subway art but with girly words would be great in my daughter's playroom! The walls are bare at the moment!

Fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter! I'm a new follower by the way. (Alison @ Under the Big Oak Tree)

Mary L said...

Wow!! Such a fabulous giveaway! I love your blog, keep us the good work. i am new to blog land and do not have a blog of my own yet but hopefully soon.

Mary L

Tiffanee said...

Happy Anniversary!! I am so glad I stumbled across your blog. Now your newest follower!!

Cynthia@ITLLDO said...

Happy anniversary! I am a follower of your blog.

Mosaic Magpie said...

I am a follower and love every minute of it!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm having fun reading your blog! I'm a new follower! Hope you'll visit me, too! ♥

Marsha Cooper said...

I am a follower!

House and Garden Boutique said...

I am one of your newest followers. What a fun giveaway......enjoy your blog so much! Thanks for doing the giveaway.

Sue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.